
Lawn Care Tips


You are as important to the success of your lawn as we are. Good mowing and watering along with Green Lawn means you’re on your way to a greener, healthier lawn.

  • Green Lawn Mowing Tips for a Healthy Lawn


    Mow at 3.5-4 inches measured at the lowest cut. Cutting too low can cause grass to turn brown during hot, dry periods. It also allows crabgrass and other weeds an opportunity to germinate.

    Sharpen mower blades often. At least once a month or after every mowing if you want. A dull mower blade tears the grass blades, causing stress on your lawn.

    Mow often. A rule of thumb is not to cut more than 1/3 of the plant at a time. It is important to mow often – especially when leving clippings lay.

    Don’t mow in hot, dry weather. If your lawn is drying out, water it and allow time for it to recover before mowing or do not mow at all. Tall & green is better than short & brown.

  • Green Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control Watering Tips


    How Much: In cool weather, about1” of total moisture per week. In hot weather, about 2” per week.

    How often: If conditions allow, it is best to water thoroughly once or twice a week. If your lawn is drying out in a day or two, you can water daily, but not to the point of saturation. As you increase the frequency, decrease the volume.

    When: Wateing can be done anytime other than late evening. Water early enough for the grass to be dry before nightfall. If the grass is wet at nightfall, it stays wet all night which can promote fungal disease.